
Summer Garden

Summer Garden


Fourth in the Seasonal Garden series

Spring has sprung in the Seasonal Garden Series. As did Autumn and Winter, Spring Garden celebrates the colors of the season, this time in soft, gentle, newborn hues. Spring gardens shout rebirth as primroses, tulips, lilies and other bulb flowers sprout through the frost and snow cover. 

This sampler completes my celebration of seasonal color series, with the brilliance of summer erupting in blossoms, berries and bees. Relax as you stitch this sampler amongst your own garden paradise, nibbling on succulent strawberries amid the fragrance of vibrant flowers, to the music of buzzing bees. 

Stitch Count: 115 x 61.
Stitched on 30 ct. Ligionier Latte linen from R&R Reproductions with floss from The Gentle Art.

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